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Help Imagine Swarthmore's future.

Click the link below to take the survey and see the slides from the first public workshop.


Borough Comprehensive Planning Process Kicks Off!

The Borough of Swarthmore kicked off its comprehensive planning process! This began with a meeting with the Steering Committee on October 16th. We discussed big-picture questions related to the future of Swarthmore. The first round of public engagement will begin in early December. Stay tuned for more details!


Imagine Swarthmore is an exciting opportunity for everyone who cares about Swarthmore to get involved and help shape the future of the Borough.


The Borough of Swarthmore is excited to launch a community-driven initiative to prepare the community for the next decade. Join us as we work together to shape Swarthmore for the next generation. Through collaboration, we can build a more vibrant, prosperous, sustainable community that meets the needs of all residents. Your participation matters. Be a part of this exciting process! 

Please reach out to Josie Stiver at with any technical issues.

Do you love Swarthmore? Do you think it can be a better place in the future?

The first opportunity to share your ideas will take place soon! Stay tuned for more information on how you can get involved.

Join our email list to keep informed!


Imagine Swarthmore Email List

Imagine Swarthmore is a process to prepare a community-driven comprehensive plan for the Borough of Swarthmore.

121 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.